Client collaboration day


We recently had the pleasure of attending a collaboration day hosted by our fantastic client, Leaders Romans Group. The day was filled with captivating talks, interactive workshops and engaging conversations. What set this event apart? Well, it wasn't just us and the client in the room; we were joined by a dynamic mix of other agencies and partners too – from design to PR, social to technical. LRG actively seeks out agencies and partners who can work together in collaboration, all for the sake of best practices and the success of their business. It truly feels like one big extended team.

During the event, we had the opportunity to meet some amazing individuals, exchange ideas and share our thoughts on the future of property marketing. Our co-founder Alex even managed to emerge victorious in a creative collaboration game. His table formed an incredible team that sparked creativity and collaboration – just the kind of environment Latch thrives in. We firmly believe that sharing is caring and this collaboration day perfectly exemplified that ethos. An inspiring experience that reinforced the power of working together and demonstrated the incredible results that can be achieved when we pool our collective talents for the good of our clients.

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