Client Spotlight - Wimpy UK


This month’s spotlight is dedicated to our amazing client Wimpy UK. 

This much-loved casual dining chain is best known for burgers on plates, retro vibes and of course, Mr Wimpy. With table service and a friendly feel, it’s the sort of place parents take their young kids, teens meet before the cinema and builders rub shoulders with office workers at breakfast.

Since the first restaurant opened in London in 1954, a lot has changed — and over the last few years, we’ve undertaken a journey with Wimpy to transform the perception of the brand, beginning with digital output and then creating a whole new packaging system, identity expressions and more. We’ve lent into their striking red, white and charcoal colour palette, brought in a more confident visual language and developed a new playful persona. The result is a bold, yet welcoming look that says ‘Come on over to our place’. 

This year Wimpy celebrates 70 years since they first served a burger in the UK. To mark the special milestone, we’ve been working together to develop a year of campaigns, giveaways, promotions, throwbacks, merchandise and the return of a familiar, if updated, face. 

Alex said, “We were very nervous about bringing Mr Wimpy back. He has a weight of nostalgia attached to him that is almost unparalleled in UK branding. But with careful collaboration between agency, client and illustrator, we were able to give him a new-old look, and bring his cheeky persona back to the brand.” 

13th August Client Spotlight AW
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