2024 Carbon Negative Update


For the second year running, we’re officially carbon-negative. Over the past reporting period, we made huge efforts to reduce our impact on the environment, reducing our emissions by a further 12% on the previous year and investing in more incredible projects to offset our residual footprint five times over.

Measuring and reducing unnecessary emissions is vital for every business; and our carbon offsetting programme, in partnership with Carbon Neutral Britain, helps us proactively reverse the impact of the emissions we create in day-to-day working life..

Investing in environmental projects

We’ve helped introduce the first grid-connected renewable energy to Mongolia with the Salkhit Wind Farm. And through a project in Nkhata Bay, Malawi, we’ve helped women to save an average of 10 hours of cooking time a week with energy-efficient stoves – time they use to set up businesses, meet with friends or return to school.

Looking forward to the next 12 months, we’ll continue to help our clients reduce their CO2 footprints through more efficient design output, while finding new ways to minimise our impact on the planet.

1st May Carbon Update
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