Carbon negative agency
Something you may not know about Latch: we’ve committed to remove more than five times our CO2 footprint each and every year, to become one of the UK’s first Carbon Negative creative agencies. It’s a bold move that’s challenged us to think big – scrutinising every aspect of our business operation to work towards a better future.
We’re under no illusions, though. As much as we try, there are some unavoidable carbon costs that come with operating a service-led business. So while we can minimise unnecessary journeys, face-to-face meetings with team members or clients are often essential to give us the depth of understanding we need to bring a project to life. These vital trips still make up the largest chunk of our footprint, but with the help of Carbon Neutral Britain™, an organisation that helps companies calculate, eliminate, reduce and offset their carbon footprints, we’ve taken proactive steps to offset any emissions we can’t avoid entirely.
So far, we’ve invested in UN-certified initiatives such as reforestation, renewable energy and community-based projects — as far away as Fiji and as close to home as Yorkshire. As well as offsetting our essential emissions, these projects bring about improvements in health, create local jobs and have a positive impact on wildlife, ecology and biodiversity.
And you can help us! From now on, we’ll ask (very nicely!) all our clients and partners to embrace sustainable ways of working where it makes sense, and encourage them to incorporate environmental considerations into their businesses.
You’re almost certainly expecting exactly that from your agency, too. Follow our journey of sustainable creativity on the Latch website and socials, or ask us more about our plans and how we can collaborate towards a greener tomorrow.