Digital-first property management

Legal and General are shaking up the suburban built to rent market through quality developments, in places people want to live. Their Homehub offers residents digital-first convenience by removing traditional printed tenant information packs. Reducing stress and waste, whilst enhancing resident experience.

LG Homehub mobile Sandy Lane
Legal & General Capital
Tone of voice
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LG Homehub resident

Small things make renting smoother. With Homehub there’s no need for a junk draw full of user manuals. Everything is available online when you need it. Leaving you to live your best life.

LG Homehub website half
Legal and General Homehub portal design
LG Homehub social
Latch has a unique knack for turning ideas into market-ready assets that have helped achieve our brand goals.”
Suburban Built to Rent
Legal & General Capital
LG Homehub Helping you feel at home half
LG Homehub imagery
LG Homehub animated

No more searching for answers in pages and pages of the tenant handbook. The Homehub digital portal reduces endless printout waste, whilst saving residents’ time too.

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